Thursday, February 7, 2008

Chapter 21

What kind of child is Violet? Explain what happened to her in this chapter. Do you think she got what she deserved? Why?


Mrs. Backstrom said...

Voilet is a very selfish gum chewer . do you think she wil be a blue berry all her life ? I.H

Mrs. Backstrom said...

Violet is a spoieled little brat. She gets whatever she wants. She sure got what she deserved. She sure had to get into a blueberry. I think she shouldnt have gottin the ticket. LS

Mrs. Backstrom said...

Violet stolled Mr. wonkas chewing gum and she turend into a blue berry!

Mrs. Backstrom said...

Violet stolled Mr. wonkas chewing gum and she turend into a blue berry!

Mrs. Backstrom said...

she ternd in to a bluebary.

Mrs. Backstrom said...

she was put in the bout doun the river!

Mrs. Backstrom said...

she was put in the bout doun the river!