Monday, February 11, 2008

Chapter 22

Today Mr. Wonka was in a big hurry to go through the factory! He took the remaining children through the corridor but did not stop at any doors - but they did get to read them! Which door seemed most interesting to you? What do you think was inside?


Mrs. Backstrom said...

I wonder what a snoze berry is?I Wonder how Mr.wonka makes everything?I wonder where he got
the cow?Mr. wonka is a smart inventor!I wonder how
he made the hot ice cube? gw

Mrs. Backstrom said...

I think the edable wallpaper was most intresting for
me.I think the room looked like the ompaloopa's were puting the wallpaper up.

Mrs. Backstrom said...

maI wonder how chocolate comes out of the cows? Maby Willy Wonka feeds the cows chocolate? I wonder who will disaper next? Maby Mike T.V.?